Anna Hrbacova
geboren 1996 in Ostrava, Tschechien
Zulassung in der Klasse Herbst 2016
Diplom Jänner 2023:
“Go feed the hens”
The flowers are in a vase, half-dead, the water is yellowish and stinky – it’s a bit of a sour smell. Sometimes I can smell it from a distance, when the water in the vase stands for a long time, but now I had to come closer with my nose to smell it. Flower blossoms hang on the tired stems, the ends of petals are brownish, twisted. They look like bowed old people, heavily heading to the ground. Their devotion is clear – as if they had bowed for the last time before death itself. Falling down quietly, one petal after another. When there is too much clutter around the vase, my grandma sends me to pour out the water, throw the flowers into the field and wash the vase thoroughly, especially the green-yellow slime that has formed inside at water level. And now I can pick other flowers in the garden. This time my grandma has sent me for roses.